Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Swimming in Produce.

Summer vacation! I'm forced to stay home while they move our offices to a different building. Not only has the weather been great, but I got to go to two farmers' markets today.

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Sarah said...

(1) Your food photography is delectable.
(2) Your slide show mojo is enviable.
(3) Your ability to make all these wacky veggies into food I'd actually want to eat is nothing short of miraculous.
(4) Go weird grains from the bulk food bins!
(5) Orla Kiely rocks, but not as much as you do.

Rebecca said...

The slide show is easier than regular image posting, which is why I've started using it. Just upload images to a Picasa album and then click share and it will give you the html for a slide show.

Should I try millet or barley next week?